
Garden Orgid Nett

Garden Nets

Uses of Garden Nets

  1. Protecting Crops:

    • Bird and Insect Netting: Keeps birds, insects, and other pests away from fruits, vegetables, and seedlings, reducing crop damage and loss.
  2. Providing Shade:

    • Shade Netting: Reduces the intensity of sunlight, preventing sunburn on plants and helping maintain optimal growing conditions in hot climates.
  3. Supporting Plants:

    • Trellis Netting: Helps support climbing plants and vines, promoting better growth and easier harvesting.
  4. Garden Organization:

    • Row Covers: Garden nets can be used to cover rows of plants, providing a controlled environment and protecting plants from external factors.
  5. Pond Protection:

    • Pond Netting: Keeps debris out of ponds, ensuring cleaner water and protecting fish from predators.
Please contact us if you have any inquiries: Hwei Sze: +6012-367 9555
Walk-ins available at Kean Tatt Hardware & Timber Sdn Bhd: 
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